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In July 2006 at what the vet estimated to be only 5 weeks old, Poly was found on a constuction site in Vacaville, Ca. She had been left to die trapped inside a bucket with a piece of plywood and a big rock on top of it. What kind a person could do such a thing?

Poly at 2 Months and 6 months with the same ball! She has destroyed many toys in her life but not the ball that she came home to me with. She's 8 now and still plays with it.

Catching BUBBLES attempting to refill her head.

But what a great little cruiser!

Some of her buddies

Whoever said Pit bulls were bad never met this one. Tookie was ALMOST as sweet as Poly.

Just a Circus-dog at heart

And a little lover!

Be vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits............ Or maybe raccoons
By August 2009 she was now 65 lbs. and has achieved balance and bit of patience!
She should have been a seal. She already has the breath for it.

Hey it was like that when I got here!

I know they're here somewhere cuz I can smell 'em.

Just another happy July day for a happy girl at the Dogpark in 2011.

In June of 2012 Zack Clark rescued Joe Black who was running loose on the freeway in Los Angeles.
He couldn't keep the big lug and I'd been promising Poly a Buddy for a while

It may take a while to load, but here is Joey being GOOD!

In 2013 I was having work done on my house. The workmen had to move some debris to the back yard. In the pile were 2 metal screen doors scheduled for the dump. They were bent and what we didn't realize was that there was a sharp edge sticking out. Like every morning I let the guys out around 7:30. I went out two hours later to feed them. Poor little Poly had apparently snagged a piece of sheet metal and this was the result:

The Vet said she was such a well trained girl that they didn't have to put her out to put in the 28 stitches. They just gave her the down and stay commands. She naturally laid down and stayed calm. They did muzzle her for safety but only used a local anesthetic to get it all done.